Tuesday, December 22, 2009
1. Open GEngine.dll with a hex editor
2. Go to offset 4E5
3. (please count) From offset 4E5 Up to AND INCLUDING offset 503 set every byte as 90
4. Save the .dll file and please, test it on a noob account first
That's it.
It is NOT my fault if your account does get banned because of this crack.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
[UNDETECTED]GarenaCrack by Play_Line_Tiger
I'm new in here and never post before so some of your guys will ask and somebody will not trust me. The thing I'm going to post for your guys is the Garena cracked that I was using it for a while (Actually since last 2 updates of Garena) and until now I'm still able to use its.
o let me tell your guys what does it do,
:-No 5 Second wait
:-No spam warning at Chat room
:-No leaving room while open warcraft warning
:-And Also I think there is some few more but I don't know and I can't remember what it's
Don't ask me about Mega EXP because I don't know how to make it work and also with my experience my friend who's working with Garena told me that it won't work for now because of the new protection or something blah blah ( Don't Ask me Who is my friend)
open the folder go to GarenaHack.exe and then start Cracked Garena,Then log in (Suggest log-in with fake user first for your safety) then if you tried you are good to go just try a maphack that you want like TyranO Should be fine use the lasted one will be good,
so here is the link 100% no virus if you want me to scan tell me the website I will do it for your guys but for now I'm going to sleep because I'm sick hehe have fun guys, NOTE: USE ON YOUR OWN RISK I WON'T BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY BAN I JUST SHARE YOUR GUYS WHAT I HAVEHIT OR YOU WON'T HIT THE THANKS BUTTON I DON'T CARE I CAME TO JUST SHARE
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
1 AUG 2009
Mum : Departing on 23 Sep 09, Returning back to Singapore on 14 Oct 09
GF and Me : Departing same as my mum,
27 Sep 09 Xia Men flying to Shang Hai
29 Sep 09 Shang Hai fly to BeiJing
4 Oct 09 Bei jing flying back to SG.
The above plane is by Air China
Pricing for my mum : $340 ( Actual price is $369, Li Fang is the best, she can get it @ $340 ) =p
as for the tour trip : $1200 Each ( Actual price is $1288 each, lol~ gf really good is discussing lower price ) =x
Really appreciate what My Mum, Li Fang, my family has given me... I dun like to take things for granted.... I really very busy since June till now, Sometime i dun even have the time for a proper nice meal, =x think about it.... IT really worth of what I had put it... I BELIEVE I WILL MAKE IT ONE DAY, I WILL GAIN HOW MUCH HARD WORK I PUT IN !!!!!! =x Cheers....
This month Aug 2009, I believe it will be a fruitful month for me.. =x I Believe I will achieve what I told Li Fang ( Xiao Pig) We can achieve our plan.. =x You have my words, Trust me.. =x
Thursday, July 23, 2009
23 JULY 2009
The Beijing tour might be like this.. going to beijing tour, and trave to Hang Zhou, after that going to ShangHai and back to Singapore... like that I would have traved to 4 location of China already... Xia Men and the above... wooooo... sound cool right... just pray hard that, everything will go smoothly as what I'm thinking right now... =p Yeah Yeah... CHAO KAI XIN DE YA!!!
hmmm... This few days, I'm not feeling very well.. kind of sick, I guess.. my mum got the illness as well.. haiz.... Just pray that she will recover from her sickness fast...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Recently, lots of things happening, Xiao Pig was introduced to my parents, my parents really like her a lot.. =p I went to visit Xiao Pig's parents as well... Everything So far so good... I'm really fortunate to have YOU ( Li Fang ) as my gf, Everything seems going through our planning.. =p I'm really really very happy... Xiao Pig ya.. I know your school just started, you got to work very hard for this... JIA YOU YA!!! Always support you de...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
30 JUNE 2009
Monday - Friday wake up @ 9am, have a cup of cafe 21 red packet, eat something.. play computer awhile. 12pm leave my home to office, if there is any appointment, i will attend to it. @ night go and do DTD, Tuesday and Thursday I having morning management class, so... got to wake up 1 hour early. =p if not i will bee late for lesson.. lesson time will be 10am - 1pm.. the lessons really interesting.. =p
Yesterday, Yean bought a mac book for me, to check company e-mails... Mac book weighted 1.27kg with bat, very light, easily carried around... He say, I can bring it home, if i want to.. but my house have pc, notebook le... i think if I go for appointment just bring it along next time.. =p easier for me as well.. =p thx Yean... I think i must try to get a good router for the office, AR BO..... WAH BO INTERNET AHHH!!!!! If get the Haw Wei 2mbps $19.36/month, a bit cheap, but bo hua... just wait and see if there is LOBANGS COMING UP!!!!!
Thank you Xiao Pig Li Fang, Although I dun have much time to accompany you, you din't make any complaints, instead you keep jia you for me... thank you... I believe before end of this year, we can achieve what we want already... HAVE MY WORDS!!! =p I say it, I will do it.. =p ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN 10000000 WORDS =p .. XIE XIE NI & AI NI....
Last Sunday 28 JUNE 2009, Xiao Pig Li Fang come to meet my parents le... she brought along this things for my family.. =p Green apples, bananas, Jap Zi Ma, birdnest... =p I cooked Dou ya chao dou fu, Ma you chao hei ji, my mum cooked, Pai gu xiang gu tang, tomatos egg, and steamed fish... It was an enjoyable dinner... my parents both very happy to @@ her ya.. =p
Thursday, June 25, 2009
25 JUNE 2009
During the PC show, I won a Playstation 3 from Starhub PC show.. =p But.. I dun have the time to play.. =p Coz everyday when i reach home is already 11:00pm.. then take a shower, rest awhile, almost 12am.. went to bed and wake up 8+ sometime 10+am in the morning.. and head towards study location or office... =p things had been liket since I graduted from school... right now, actually I'm building up my new sales team, so far... I think I will have one new guy with me for the next 2 months...=p is a good start i think.. =p Let's end it here.... one last thing...
I really thank God that, I have Girlfriend like you. who is always so supportive for all the things i do, keep encouraging me... =p Thank you Li Fang ( Xiao Pig).. =p sorry that I dun have time for you since the begining of this month... =p
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
02 JUNE 2009
First day of work, everything goes quite well, I reached there around 530pm. I was bored so I take a little walk around the shop houses, saw Singaporepools, so i decided to bet $20 on s-league, who knows.. Yeah. I won $40.. =p .. tomorrow claim back my money.. Yeah Yeah.. Once again, My wallet is back with $100... Total sales for today, actually not bad. 1 NTV, 4 NBB and 2 RTV. Total 7 Sales... Maybe I should keep track of my sales records here.. =p easier for me to trace the total sales records.. =p Jia you for the month of JUNE!! PEAK period must add more oil... so that I have more money... =p .... $5k has been prepared by me to China... =p Yeah.. Finally, I had it already...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
01 JUNE 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
So-So Only..
Yesterday, for my lunch and dinner I ate Mac.. not I eat two times, Is I combine Lunch and Dinner together...... It Has been long since I last had my mac meal.. The last time I had is With Xiao Pig, We ordered mac delivery, I feel like keeping all these cups, It just look nice.. I got the pink and blue colour, but not the first one... Haizzz.... What I find Mac is really so damn expensive, one meal got to pay around $7+ .. really sucking blood money... $7 is like I go to the neighborhood CHAO ZHOU Resturant, I can get something like.. One Kuaa Za, and a bow of fish soup rice / Duck rice.. that is usually what I eat for my dinner.. hahaha.. =p
$7+ kind of too expensive, few years back, $5 able to get a meal.. =p the price for fastfood really really increased a lot a lot.. But for the cup, I think this $7 still ok, coz the cup looks nice... Haha... =p Currently they are having the blue colour cup, next one will be the green one, I will get that as well... =p

Garena 19th May Bypass Ladder Rooms
Click HERE to Download
Thursday, May 21, 2009
In just 2 days, I had already spend $1000 Dollars ... Let's not talk about food, transportation, General Expenses and etc expenses, lazy to do calculation for that... This month still have 10 more days to go... Hmm... Dunno how much more I will spend on... No worries for that, coz MAY's income should be not bad... =p Coz, I do recordings.. I just can't wait for 20 June 2009 to come.. Coz It will be pay day once again... hahaha... Taking money again... IF i have a PERM ADMIN JOB $1400 monthly, I can't imaging... I think for the month of April and May I spend the most... =p ... but anyway... All money spend for a purpose, not anyhow spend...
All the money I spend is a NEED not a WANT ... I think, I almost get whatever things that I had planned, like a Internet for Xiao Pig... =p Yeah Yeah Yeah, a Course I wanted to go... a Spect that I wanted since 2 to 3 months back... A promise that I kept... As for June, I dun think I need to purchase any thing that is costly... Maybe on Good FOOD, nice Entertainments ... Hahaha... Coz Xiao Pig by then had finished her exam and I own her two meals.... =p