Yesterday, for my lunch and dinner I ate Mac.. not I eat two times, Is I combine Lunch and Dinner together...... It Has been long since I last had my mac meal.. The last time I had is With Xiao Pig, We ordered mac delivery, I feel like keeping all these cups, It just look nice.. I got the pink and blue colour, but not the first one... Haizzz.... What I find Mac is really so damn expensive, one meal got to pay around $7+ .. really sucking blood money... $7 is like I go to the neighborhood CHAO ZHOU Resturant, I can get something like.. One Kuaa Za, and a bow of fish soup rice / Duck rice.. that is usually what I eat for my dinner.. hahaha.. =p
$7+ kind of too expensive, few years back, $5 able to get a meal.. =p the price for fastfood really really increased a lot a lot.. But for the cup, I think this $7 still ok, coz the cup looks nice... Haha... =p Currently they are having the blue colour cup, next one will be the green one, I will get that as well... =p