Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Supreme Court warns of scam calls made by people claiming to be its staff
SINGAPORE : Singapore’s Supreme Court warned the public of scam calls from individuals falsely claiming to be its staff.
The public has been receiving such calls and the police have been notified and are monitoring the situation.
Those who do not have pending cases in the Supreme Court have been advised to exercise caution when they receive telephone calls from such individuals who ask for personal particulars like bank account numbers and the amount of monies in the bank accounts.
The Supreme Court emphasised that its staff do not request for personal financial particulars over the phone.
In case of doubt, the public can verify the source of the call with the Supreme Court at 1800—338—1034. — CNA /ls
news from Yahoo
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My sister love to watch this taiwan drama, while she watching it, my internet becomes very very slow.. So this show must be quite nice.. As for me I dun have the time to watch those shows or even play dota at Garena... Tomorrow 29 April 2009 going for an part-time job interview... just hope that this investment company will be a good one for me.. =) CHEERS!!!
Singapore's internet radio streaming dries up
I was trying to listen to radio over the internet, but show the following message
Internet Radio Streaming Service Suspended
Thank you for visiting this site. We regret to inform that Internet streaming for the stations are no longer available as of March 1st, 2009.
Please tune in to our broadcast programmes on FM.
We look forward to your continued support of MediaCorp’s radio stations.
My next move is google it why i can't listen to streaming raido.. The following result displayed
Singapore's internet radio streaming dries up
By TODAY | Posted: 25 March 2009 1308 hrs
SINGAPORE: Tuesday was officially the day the music died. On the Internet, that is.
After talks over new licence fees with the Recording Industry Performance Singapore (Rips) fell through, SPH UnionWorks has joined other radio stations in the country and stopped its Internet streaming services.
Radio stations run by MediaCorp and Safra Radio stopped Internet streaming features earlier this month and are still in negotiations with Rips, the collective licensing body of 13 record companies that issue licences to broadcast music. It follows an amendment to the Copyright Act in December.
Previously, radio stations were exempted from paying record companies when songs played on the Internet are part of a radio broadcast.
But Rips is requesting annual licence fees for online streaming as well. This will cost broadcasting companies thousands of dollars in combined licences fees.
“Negotiations came to a halt yesterday so we had to take streaming down at midnight Tuesday morning,” said Jamie Meldrum, 39, programme director for Radio 91.3.
“At this point, we’re discussing internally how to continue serving our listeners online. It’s a bit of a step backward for... both sides of the equation.”
A notice on the its website reads: “Sorry, 91.3 has had to stop streaming our radio signal on the Internet. A new music licensing regime has led to excessive music royalty rates that no longer make streaming a viable option.”
A similar message appears on the website of its Chinese sister station, Radio 100.3.
Internet radio listener Fong Kum Chee has given up trying to get her Internet radio fix after Class95 and 938Live went off-line. “People will just go for alternatives... You still have YouTube or you can play your own MP3s,” she said.
- TODAY/yb
The above article source from channelnewsasia
The next movie will be the above, it will be nice movie for me to enjoy. So let's
Catch Star Trek in cinemas on May 7!
Monday, April 27, 2009
27 APRIL 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
26 APRIL 2009
Saturday afternoon, after my appointment i bought a Lacoste Polo tee-shirt, it cost $109.. i think still ok coz the material really nice, nice to wear as well... maybe is look like a Crocodile brand.. but who cares.. now let's take a look @ both brands..
Lacoste's log facing RIGHT while Crocodile's logo facing LEFT.. =) So please dun be suprised when you see someone in the MRT wearing so called "same logo" but facing different direction.. =p .. now let's take a look below...


26 APRIL 2009, Cooked MA YOU CAO Chicken for Xiao Pig, taste and smell and look are all up to standard, not i KUA myself, but Xiao Pig say, really nice.. =p .. well, her Soup also tast and smells and looks nice.. really had a wonderful dinner time with her.. =p wish more of this time will come.. =p
Xiao Pig's exam is coming ,left 1 month and few days is a her big exam day, i believe she will be quite stressed, those who heard of her name, or know her, your might want to leave a message in my blog to give her some support. =p Thank you...
Xiao Pig Jia you, Jia You, Jia you.. always be there for you.. =p
Thursday, April 23, 2009
23 APRIL 2009
While drink a cup of Cafe 21 coffee, I did my resume also and forwarded it Propnex real est co. Coz I was looking for a Temp Job, received a reply from them for a meet up soon.. Was quite happy to receive a reply... Just pray that God, will be able to help me to get this 2pm-6pm Job.. =p hahaha... Erm... No idea what am I going to do, but It might be a good experience if they do offer it to me.. =p... I'm not looking @ the $$$, Coz it really less... so no point talking aboout it..
Well... Last time i found out there is a way of making FREE money from the internet, all you have to do is click on the picture below and sign yourself up..
Click on this picture to sign up....

Click on the picture to en-large it, below is the money i earn from reading e-mail.. =p Interested in joining me to earn money just by the click of your MOUSE ???? click on the above picture. =p

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
22 APRIL 2009
21 April 2009, My sister received her first pay from gov job, she decided to treat the whole family, this is the first time that she said things like this : (just order anything you like to eat).. kind of happy to heard this.. =p did not really 'chop' her, as I was a small eater only.. =p anyway, the food is nice.. =p
I forgotten my ATM Card number, i went down to on of the outlet near China town MRT station, one of the Staff told me tht I must pay $10 in order to get a new password and the card must be change, so i reported lost over the phone, The officer told me, must pay $20 for that, I was a bit unhappy, I told him, in this case i should had move to another bank, After i said this, he say he will waive it away for me since it is my first time.. at that time, i was quite pleased.. =p ***I mean, I forgot my password can't they just re-send my password to my letter or box or I went down to the bank to get a new password, why must i get the card changed ?? =p but anyway, I will get my card soon...
Updates: I already prepared to travel from Singapore to China, I believe the flights will be fun... I will do some research on BEIJING and XIA MEN, see what type of food is nice over there..
right now, Will work hard double hard and get new phone change in June 2009. budget for it will be like $400 max.. but i guess, 'SHE' my Xiao Pig saw this will surely nag @ me. =p
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
21 APRIL 2009
(Price plan got it @ Starhub, M1, and Singtel website as @ 21 APRIL 2009 @ 0000 hours)
Monday, April 20, 2009
20 APRIL 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
17 APRIL 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Enjoy yourself @ Garena with High Level and High Kills..
Click to download-> Dota Version 1.23 Cracks + Exp + Map Hack
Dota Version 1.23 MapHack
Garena Exp + MapHack crack
noted: must download both files in order for you to enjoy he maphacking..
13 APRIL 2009
Today, I just found out that, OMG.. I am getting nice and nice.. haha as in fatter and fatter la.. hehehe.. my mum, Xiao Pig all say.. looks great, better than skinny... Guess, I will still grow fat again.. coz Xiao Pig and my mum always cook nice food for me... YUMMY YUMMY!!! =) sometime i cook for myself as well... I getting fatter not because i love to eat sweet stuff, but because i eat house cooking food.. you GOT IT ??? hahaha...
13 APRIL 2009 seems to be a good day for me... out of a sudden, I have total of 5 appointments... means tat.. this weeks income is almost the same as last week's income.. yeah yeah... and today is just monday... Thank God, more business will come from today onwards... yeah yeah... Jia you... How much I earn depends how much effort i put in... Yup... JIA YOU for another 5 months before going to china for holiday...
My planning to China is getting nearer and nearer, the time as well as financial planning... now, must save up more for expenses @ tat, like food, gifts for frens.. etc.. =) yeah yeah.... will still con't to JIA YOU for this...
PUSH-CART... alright, Fong Yi, Wen Ting and Mike's Push-cart is now back in the market, actually we have new suppliers, we have new attractive products, new thumb-drive, better price, interest in max purchase can purchase from us @ lower price, or maybe if you want to start a push-cart in your school, We can help you.. =p those who are interested can leave me a message @ my blog...
lastly, I'm very sorry, I dun have much time to update my blog... coz quite busy recently, only update once a week, today special, coz from 12am till 230am i updating my blog.. Yawnz.. 14 April 2009 already. have appointments to attend in the afternoon and night time... =)
Monday, April 13, 2009
12 APRIL 2009
For this week, it has been a fruitful week. coz i running around for appointments... guess, I had a total of not bad income.. =p which i was quite happy with.. just that there is one case... haiz..... anyway... Yesterday 11 April 2009, I bought something for Xiao Pig, =)
1. Green Grapes
2. Black Chicken (cooked)
3. Winter melon tea
4. 2 packets of sweets
This is my first time, I cooked nice nice DUN JI TANG for Xiao Pig, =p She finished everything... hehe... means my cooking not bad... hahahahah.... I have time, will try to cook more things as well.. dunno why, nowadays, I love to cook...
13 April 2009 Monday, It will be a new beginging for this week, I just hope that, more $$$ will come into my pocket... YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! JIA YOU MYSELF...
Monday, April 6, 2009
06 APRIL 2009
05 April 2009, Xiao Pig cooked steam Chicken, Steam Fish and a nice nice soup for me... wahhhhhhh... It taste really great.. still can imporve some more ya.. you will cook better next time round.. JIA YOU!!! After 05 April 2009 dunno when then can eat the food that you cooked again le.. =) hmm.. but I will still look forward to you... I will always support whatever you cooked...