Finally, I have my House phone line as well as my internet back.. =p although my internet is only 2Mbps but i still able to watch movies online, PPStream, PPlive. and make unlimited calls to my love ones, as well as calling overseas @ only $0.08 / minute. although $0.08 is still expensive than those normal cards, but the quality is much better than quantity. =p
21 April 2009, My sister received her first pay from gov job, she decided to treat the whole family, this is the first time that she said things like this : (just order anything you like to eat).. kind of happy to heard this.. =p did not really 'chop' her, as I was a small eater only.. =p anyway, the food is nice.. =p
I forgotten my ATM Card number, i went down to on of the outlet near China town MRT station, one of the Staff told me tht I must pay $10 in order to get a new password and the card must be change, so i reported lost over the phone, The officer told me, must pay $20 for that, I was a bit unhappy, I told him, in this case i should had move to another bank, After i said this, he say he will waive it away for me since it is my first time.. at that time, i was quite pleased.. =p ***I mean, I forgot my password can't they just re-send my password to my letter or box or I went down to the bank to get a new password, why must i get the card changed ?? =p but anyway, I will get my card soon...
Updates: I already prepared to travel from Singapore to China, I believe the flights will be fun... I will do some research on BEIJING and XIA MEN, see what type of food is nice over there..
right now, Will work hard double hard and get new phone change in June 2009. budget for it will be like $400 max.. but i guess, 'SHE' my Xiao Pig saw this will surely nag @ me. =p