Saturday afternoon, after my appointment i bought a Lacoste Polo tee-shirt, it cost $109.. i think still ok coz the material really nice, nice to wear as well... maybe is look like a Crocodile brand.. but who cares.. now let's take a look @ both brands..
Lacoste's log facing RIGHT while Crocodile's logo facing LEFT.. =) So please dun be suprised when you see someone in the MRT wearing so called "same logo" but facing different direction.. =p .. now let's take a look below...


26 APRIL 2009, Cooked MA YOU CAO Chicken for Xiao Pig, taste and smell and look are all up to standard, not i KUA myself, but Xiao Pig say, really nice.. =p .. well, her Soup also tast and smells and looks nice.. really had a wonderful dinner time with her.. =p wish more of this time will come.. =p
Xiao Pig's exam is coming ,left 1 month and few days is a her big exam day, i believe she will be quite stressed, those who heard of her name, or know her, your might want to leave a message in my blog to give her some support. =p Thank you...
Xiao Pig Jia you, Jia You, Jia you.. always be there for you.. =p