Friday, January 30, 2009
30 JAN 2009
Today, I eat a lot of ZA food, one of it is weiliang's grand or grand grandmother make de... i really eat a lot a lot.... coz the food really damn damn damn damn nice.... I just can't stop my itch mouth to stop eating the nice food... What happen in the end... I having bad cough now... hahahaha =( ... kind of stupid me, in another word TAN CHI's result = Coughing...
hmmmmmmmm......... fools that is all for today, coz i need to sleep early tonight, requested by Xiao Pig... coz she want to see my BIG eyes tomorrow... usually my eyes in the morning quite small.... nite people and sweet dreamzzz......
my blog seems becoming more blur in my stories??? any comment???
29 JAN 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009
28 JAN 2009
To: Xiao Pig, Emm..... Did not get to see you this few days, Kind of 'M' you lo... Happy ? =p hahaha... I just wondering did you put on 2kg during this chinese new year... Hope you did... if not tomorrow we will have KFC for our dinner, if have time let's catch a movie as well... hahaha =p
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
27 JAN 2009
26 JAN 2009
Emm... Why am I so slack today ??? It has been like donkey days, or months that I'm so slacking @ home... I really feel very uncomfortable that I do nothing ..... basically, what I do today is, Eat, Sleep, watch tv, play computer, sleep, eat, chat on the phone.... people may like this kind of life... But not me... I hate this kind of life.... Chinese new year... omg... I so slack.... Really hate it...... Maybe once a year for this kind of life... tomorrow go BAI NIAN le.... Time for me to sleep le... nite people
Monday, January 26, 2009
25 JAN 2009
It seems like I am really relaxing, nothing, boring, slacking, rotting, waiting, crying, missing, wondering... Why chinese new year so quiet.... I seems have nothing 2 do @ all... hmm... Today, I accompany my sister to bugis, orchard to shop... but it seems I spend like $50 and she spend $0.00 dollars... hahahaha.... Kai Xin Jiu Hao..... bought a shirt for my mum, have lunch @ KFC and a cup of Ice-cream @ ****** (forgotten the shop name) ....
Guess What.... the moment the clock reached 00:00 hours on 26 Jan 2009... My Mobile phone Nokia 6500 slide Sliver colour phone ring ring ring.... Received a call from Xiao Pig... Another surprise from her once again... hmmm.... More surprise from her is coming on the way ??? =p (新年快乐).... Thank you very much..... =p See you soon....
I just wondering, 26 Jan 2009 Monday, Guess is a TOTO day.. I dun gamble, should I just go and try my luck with a dollar ... $1 of TOTO computer system pick betting ??? =p or should I give $1 to my mum ask her to bet.. if strike half is hers... hahaha.... maybe i should just pass her a dollar and ask her to bet, coz I never have any hope in gambling... but.. if bet still got 50% chance of strike TOTO.... (*reason because, If got buy 50% hope will strike, 50% will not strike... if never buy 0% hope) .... Maybe I should do tat right.... never mind, let's think about it tomorrow, coz now the time is 330am in the morning..... time for me to sleep lo~~~
Saturday, January 24, 2009
24 JAN 2009
Let's talk about Chinese New Year, Did anyone know why Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year ??? 1... 2 ..... 3..... 4..... 5......6.....7......8.........9...............10............ The answer is .... We are CHINESE, that is why we celebrate Chinese New Year.... =p Hahaha.. Craps for the above....
Chinese New Year or Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional Chinese holidays. It is sometimes called the Lunar New Year, especially by people outside China. The festival traditionally begins on the first day of the first lunar month (Chinese: 正月; pinyin: zhēng yuè) in the Chinese calendar and ends on the 15th; this day is called Lantern Festival. Chinese New Year's Eve is known as Chúxī. It literally means "Year-pass Eve".
By the Way.. this is how chinese write the word NIAN

Some chinese believe this ---->
Good luck
Opening windows and/or doors is considered to bring in the good luck of the new year.
Switching on the lights for the night is considered good luck to 'scare away' ghosts and spirits of misfortune that may compromise the luck and fortune of the new year.
Sweets are eaten to ensure the consumer a "sweet" year.
It is important to have the house completely clean from top to bottom before New Year's Day for good luck in the coming year. (however, as explained below, cleaning the house after New Year's Day is frowned upon)
Some believe that what happens on the first day of the new year reflects the rest of the year to come. Chinese people will often gamble at the beginning of the year, hoping to get luck and prosperity.
Wearing a new pair of slippers that is bought before the new year, because it means to step on the people who gossip about you.
The night before the new year, bathe yourself in pomelo leaves and some say that you will be healthy for the rest of the new year.
Bad luck
Buying a pair of shoes is considered bad luck amongst some Chinese. The character for "shoe" (鞋) is a homophone for the character 諧/谐, which means "rough" in Cantonese; in Mandarin it is also a homophone for the character for "evil" (邪).
Getting a hair-cut in the first lunar month puts a curse on maternal uncles. Therefore, people get a hair-cut before the New Year's Eve.
Washing your hair is also considered to be washing away one's own luck (although modern hygienic concerns take precedence over this tradition)
Sweeping the floor is usually forbidden on the first day, as it will sweep away the good fortune and luck for the new year.
Saying words like "finished" and "gone" is inauspicious on the New Year, so sometimes people would avoid these words by saying "I have completed eating my meal" rather than say "I have finished my meal."
Talking about death is inappropriate for the first few days of Chinese New Year, as it is considered inauspicious.
Buying books is bad luck because the character for "book" (書/书) is a homonym to the character for "lose" (輸/输).
Avoid clothes in black and white, as black is a symbol of bad luck, and white is a traditional Chinese funeral colour.
Foul language is inappropriate during the Chinese New Year.
Offering anything in fours, as the number four (四), pronounced sì, can sound like "death" (死) in Chinese. See tetraphobia.
To: Xiao Pig, Thank you for giving me such a big surprise... I believe you have a big surprise as well right... Btw when you saw my dad and mum, your whole face turn red... laugh out loud... Well, I was unprepare as well.... Kind of drama with you since our story begin.... =p
Friday, January 23, 2009
22 JAN 2009
To Kitty: Is this the song you are asking ??? =P HERE IT COMESSs...... Sit back relax and enjoy it...
Thursday, January 22, 2009
21 JAN 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
20 JAN 2009
To: team 89xx... Hi guys, i hope you people really enjoy the day, although we did not watch the movie, coz GV only have 1 movie left... so can't blame them, and the last movie is M18... I believe u guys just 14, 15, 16 years old.. so what I can say is "IT JUST TOO BAD" hahaha... anyway.. I just hope your have fun and all the best in ur studies... REMEMBER : PLAY HARD, STUDY HARD!!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
19 JAN 2009
To: Xiao Pig, Thank you for Jia you and accompany me study yesterday afternoon, thank you for your support... I dunno I will end up disappoint you coz I might not be able to get very good grades... =p ... I TRUST YOU ... =p but, if you encounted any problem, please tell me ok ?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
18 JAN 2009
Just wish myself.. All the best ? =p hmm... I will JIA YOU de... JIA YOU JIA YOU JIA YOU!!!!
17 JAN 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
16 JAN 2009

BEFORE (click on picture to have larger view)

Wake up not so early today, around 7am ba... after brushing my teeth, go back to my bed to zzzz till 910am... called Xiao Pig immediately, accompany her over the phone till she reached her working location... I fried rice for my lunch and head towards Boonlay for my appointment... reached office around 4pm in the evening coz the landlord, OMG... talk about him, my whole body will be full of fire... You got it ??? anyway.. no point angry with him... coz he just a old man... Thx alfred sending me to seragoon... Meet up Xiao Pig for some important matters... reached home around 12am... I am sorry my friends who i flied kites.... Mum Yee, Anna, Doris, Ying ting, Ah Bird, Yong wen, etc.... I'm really sorry, I know I'm in the wrong give ur kites to fly... but I really have something important to solve... Buy you guys drink next time to show my aplogies.... =p
To: Xiao Pig, You told me cannot say ' Thank you' to you... I also dunno why, there is always a reason behind it... hahaha =p .... But just want to tell you, Whenever I need you, you always there for me, think of me, never failed once, since the first time i get to know you till now... especially your, 'Lunch time lo =p' .... but I still want to say a BIG 谢谢 =p .... Let's work hard together to achieve our target... =p
Thursday, January 15, 2009
15 JAN 2009
To:Xiao Pig, I understand...I will give you more time to settle down all your things, It really takes lots of time and the way to clear everything... Coz it might be a suprise to them... they might not be able to take it.... 我知道,我明白你有难言之语。。。你就放心吧!!!不要忘呢,我是你的支持者!!! =p
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
14 JAN 2009
Wake up quite early today, give Xiao Pig morning call @ 647am.. ( Timing according to my HP) ... Reached school for one important lesson, guess because of 1 paper??? =p went down to office to take some equipments, went for two appointments today... Guess what, =p I guess this two appointments really nice... really fast... =p reached home around 8pm... Finally, Today, Today, Today, My Dad, My Mum, My Sister and MEEEE!!! four of us, finally sit down and have dinner together, guess it has been like dunno how many donkey months this kind of sweet dinner did not happened... although just a simple house cooking meal, but chi dao hen kai xin hen kai xin... I did not eat fish and veg, all i eat is Chicken Feet + rice... =p anyway... This dinner really very sweet.... Called Xiao Pig @ 10:06pm chat with her till her HP low battery... hahaha... It time for me to sleep le... now the time is 122am in the morning... Coz before that I was looking for a Song to Xiao Pig mah... =p Finally, I found it... So this song is for her... =p
To: Xiao Pig
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
13 JAN 2009
~~~我们一起走到遙遠的以後 ~~~
Monday, January 12, 2009
12 JAN 2009
To: Xiao Pig, 你说 :‘无论多辛苦,我都要和你到永远’。。。现在我也想告诉你,‘我们一起吃苦的幸福来了’ 。。。谢谢你相信我, 我会记得这0.01% 的机会!!! 我会很珍惜你的,不过你可不要欺负我哦 。。。哈哈哈哈!!! 你有感觉到辛苦的幸福了吗 ??? =p 哈哈哈哈。。。
Sunday, January 11, 2009
11 JAN 2009
~~~男孩相信相爱的人是可以克服乐任何困难的, 他会牵着女孩的手,去寻找他们的幸福~~~
Saturday, January 10, 2009
10 JAN - 11 JAN 2009
To Xiao Pig : Today, It just happened unexpectedly, although both of us did not say anything, but it just happened like so naturaly... I notice something, You so sweet today.... =p
A new chapter of 男孩和女孩的故事开始了,前面还有很多很多困难波折在等着男孩和女孩一起去克服,男孩和女孩要一起勇敢的面对所有的考验,克服所有的难关。。。 男孩牵着女孩的手时,可以感觉到很幸福很幸福。。。男孩要告诉女孩他是不会放手的 !!! 请女孩也要牢牢的牵着男孩的手!!!
Friday, January 9, 2009
男孩很喜欢女孩, 女孩应该也很喜欢男孩吧!要不然女孩也不会告诉男孩 (我真的很希望你的未来有我) 两人算是相爱吗 ???男孩不知道为什么女孩现在的心情很不好。。。 男孩真的不想在看到女孩那样的不开心!!!
也是一种幸福,也是人生的一种享受 !!!
人生是一种缘份,有缘则聚,无缘则分,随缘吧!!!有缘我们一定会在一起,就像你说的,你一定会全心全意的爱我!!! 我也会全心全意的爱你!!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
08 JAN 2009
According to Longman Dictionary
definition of Indispensable: Someone that is indispensable is so important that it is impossible to manage without them...
虽然,看了,听了,懂了,了解了,男孩超开心的,那又如何 ???只可以开开心心的笑一笑,然后刻在男孩的心里。。。男孩和女孩在一起,可以说好开心好开心吧!!! 男孩知道,如果有一天女孩是他的女朋友,那应该是 0.01% 的机会吧 !!! 现在男孩真的好珍惜好珍惜,每一次和女孩相处的时间。。。 现在,在看一看 ( click -> 25 NOV 2008 ) 的一个故事。。。
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
07 JAN 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
06 JAN 2009
Wake up quite early today, just feel unhappy today... no idea why... guess something going to happen.... Today lesson started quite early, time in school pass very fast... today received class photo, will update it tomorrow... After school went for 2 appointments... guess both appoinments all failed... kind of sad and wasted a lot of my time... reached home around 10pm, Guess I having fever, 37.8 and bad cough ahh.... JIN TIAN HEN BU KAI XIN AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me follow Wei Liang do a Count Down
1. 13 days to my AA2 Exam
2. 14 days to Payday
3. 19 days to Chinese New Year Eve
3. 20 days to Happy Chinese New Year
4. 22 days to get my Monthblanc wallet
5. 33 days to Xiao Pig's Birthday
6. 58 days to end my full-time as a student
有希望的等待是一种幸福,男孩不知道他是否有希望,但男孩会无限的等待下去,瓜熟蒂落。爱情,毕竟是人生最宝贵的一份感情,能够把它奉献给女孩,毕竟是怀着最纯真的心愿和希望。爱一个人不是海誓山盟的蜜语,是生活中的细节 !!!~~~
Monday, January 5, 2009
05 JAN 2009
Went to visit my fren @ night, Great to see her quite strong... take care my fren... Yao Jian Qiang...
Called Xiao Pig while I on the way home... She seems so happy today, It has been like 4 - 5 days did not really heard her laugher voice... chatted with her till she reached the house... Just hope that everyday she will be as happy as today... =p
给自己有个明确的定位,未来自己成为怎样的一个人,真正想过怎样的一种生活。(千万不要骗自己哟)活在当下,勇敢地去选择,你的未来由你选择!演戏可以彩排,人生不可以重来!生活像一部电影,我们要做自己的的导演,演绎属于自己精彩的一生,不白活一回 =p
人生有好多个几十年,但是事事往往没有我们想的那样子。。。 还记得半年前,她,爸爸,妈妈,我的朋友和我在一起在吃点心。。。 她妈妈是很好很好的一个人,好友善,好开心 。。。 现在她的妈妈走了。。。心里觉得好难过啊!!!
珍惜身边每一个爱你,关心你的人 。。。
Sunday, January 4, 2009
04 JAN 2009
Wake up very late today, about 1pm in the evening... Have my lunch with my mum... Went down to orchard to meet WeiLiang, actually, today i wanted to work, but I have no choice, must exchange my RalphLauren Polo Tee... Coz It becomes really really really damn long, damn ugly after washed... Great that the person changed for me, as I did not even have the chance to wear it yet... Wei Liang bought a Shirt again... He so rich.... =p... After that went to complaint about the Food we ate yesterday, The food caused both of us to have stomach pain since yesterday 3am till now.... We catched a movie Cops and dunno what papaya... Kind of boring... All my fault, coz I am the one who say want to watch this movie... =p reached home around 1140pm... now the time is 00:00am... time for me to go bed..
现在女孩的心情是怎样的了?那男孩好想好想知道啊!!! 男孩在想现在女孩一定很开心吧!!!希望女孩现在的心情是和男孩想得一样。。 (开开心心)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
03 JAN 2009
男孩觉得:爱就是一种付出, 却不要求任何回报, 永不后悔
(Love, Giving Giving Giving Giving and still Giving, Never Regret )
Friday, January 2, 2009
02 JAN 2009
男孩认识女孩真的真的很开心,女孩每次都说她带给男孩 unlucky, 其实那男孩一点都不觉得 unlucky 反而觉得很 lucky, 有事发生但那都是小事。。。 那男孩才觉得他带给女孩 unlucky le, 男孩每次都害那女孩差一点跌倒。。。 哈哈 =p 不过每次女孩要跌到时,男孩总是会在女孩身旁扶着她。。。 =p 呵呵
Thursday, January 1, 2009
01 JAN 2009
Ring Ring Ring, 8am... dunno who called me... no idea what is it regarding, 10am another one called, no idea what is going on....11am one more... As I still in the sleeping condition, so I went back to sleep till 1pm.. have my lunch @ home, went down to sim lim square to meet Wei liang & Tun Keong, I bought a cordless phone as well as a wireless adapter. the wireless adapter that i bought I think is one of those three (customer) who gives me morning call.. ... Went down to orchard to shop... Tun Keong bought a bag, We put all our stuff inside to help him test his new bag... I think that bag can last for quite sometime.. thx TK... Wei liang and me both bought a RalphLauren Polo Tee.. After that went to swensens to have our dinner... I ate Bake Fish Rice, It is tasty =P ... after our dinner, went down to alfred house to draw some equipment for tomorrow installation... reached home around 1150pm... while I blogging half way, my computer spoiled... haiz... lucky still have notebook to blog... =p Is time for me to sleep, now the time is 130am in the morning...
2008 is already over, 2009 is the new begining, everything will start new and fresh... =p
当男孩拉着女孩的手时,男孩可以感觉到幸福,快乐,害怕,伤心。。。 那感觉就好像在告诉男孩那女孩有好多好多的无可奈何,好多好多的不得已。。。男孩还是想在告诉那女孩,女孩快乐男孩给女孩祝福,女孩不快乐男孩给女孩幸福。。。