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Sunday, January 11, 2009

11 JAN 2009

Today, I sleep @ 6am in the morning, coz before I sleep, I will blog, It becomes part of my life, it become a habbit.... anyway... Wake up @ 8am in the morning, actually planned to sent my dad to hougang, but the place is not near my client's place, so the I drop him @ woodlands... Went for my first appointment, after that fetch alvin to 2nd appointment location, coz is the same area... finally finished 3 appointment... kind of tired, coz i did not have enough sleep... I am ok with that anyway.. Coz I am used to it... It does matter... Coz I am in the good mood today.... anyway, the time now is 117am in the morning. I really really burn out... by 125am i sure become Pig le...

~~~男孩相信相爱的人是可以克服乐任何困难的, 他会牵着女孩的手,去寻找他们的幸福~~~