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Friday, January 30, 2009

30 JAN 2009

Hmm.... It seems, a lot of IBM has die off... hahaha... Chinese have this saying... translated to english will be ( 3 minutes of interest) .... anyway... Boring day actually, went for 2 appointments today, one very good. the second one cannot make it... haiz.... life is like this, things will never go your way... some things are mean to be the opposite way... Got it ??? but dun take it to heart, coz no point getting angry over those people... =p just be cheerful, laugh and forget about it.... YEAH YEAH.....

Today, I eat a lot of ZA food, one of it is weiliang's grand or grand grandmother make de... i really eat a lot a lot.... coz the food really damn damn damn damn nice.... I just can't stop my itch mouth to stop eating the nice food... What happen in the end... I having bad cough now... hahahaha =( ... kind of stupid me, in another word TAN CHI's result = Coughing...

hmmmmmmmm......... fools that is all for today, coz i need to sleep early tonight, requested by Xiao Pig... coz she want to see my BIG eyes tomorrow... usually my eyes in the morning quite small.... nite people and sweet dreamzzz......

my blog seems becoming more blur in my stories??? any comment???