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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

16 DEC 2008

I over slept today, I did not give morning call to Xiao Pig, very sorry... Called her @ 751am while she on the way to work, she must be very very tired today... =p all because of me.. hehe... I am tired too... reached office to borrow boss's car, went for appointment after appointment... I am so tired... reached home @ 11pm... I really really very tired...

To: Xiao Pig, It seems "Lunch time lo =) Remember to eat ya..." from you has never failed once... but I skipped my lunch today, coz I can't find the time, I travel one location to another, i only eat my lunch + dinner @ 10pm... haha... although I am tired, 不过心里甜甜的,这都是你所赐 =)谢谢了!!!See you tomorrow morning @ 730am....

幸福总是自己挣来的,别指望别人施舍给你! 因为你的目标是你自己真心喜欢的,女孩子往往被动,被动的只能选择接受和拒绝,所以我宁愿主动出击,