Message received from Xiao Pig @ 12am... =) Ni Ye shi ben ben de still need to wake up early in the morning to go work, and yet she stay so late just because of this message??? abished... =p cooked her breakfast repay her....thank you very much... OMG... You know what, her attire is what i think she gonna wear, I guess she think what i gonna wear as well right... =)
Went to office to settle some problem case, Boss called his gang down to celebrate for me... OMG... below are some of the picture for your to enjoy.... I really appreciate it in my heart.. thx guys for celebrating my birthday... thx a million....

Alvin helped me prepar for the worst
Meet up with Xiao Pig @ 620pm... =) Went to vivo city to have our dinne @ sakae sushi, I just hope she enjoy the dinner... after that went to sentosa beach... we have a great time there.... she so KE AI DE la while sleeping.... like xiao hai zi lor... =p sent her home at around 12.15am... Tomorrow she must be very tired while working... i will give her morning call to wake her up.... =p.. now the time is 240am.. is time to my sweet dreamzzzz
To: Xiao Pig, Thanks a million for sacrifing your lunch to get me, Presents and cake... Everything is in my heart... I like the card you give me, and not just the card, but the words inside the card... 今天是我度過最最最快樂而且最最最輕鬆的生日,美好时光总是短暂的,就好像烟花在夜空中美丽绽放, 和你在一起真的很开心,总觉的时间过的好快,很希望时间可以停留在那一刻,一切的美好将刻在我脑海里的记忆。。。
我还是很初心啦!!!没你说的那么细心啦!!! 我所做的一切,不要你感动,我只要你开开心心的!!! 我何常没想过如果你是我的女朋友就好了!!!现在是好好朋友就好了,你说对吧!!! 我只是希望有一天你可以看到,我不是那支针而是你身边的黑马/白马!!!我知道你已经把我放在你心里一个角落,不过我太贪心了啦!!!就像你说的我们只相识短短的3个月,却好像认识好久好久了,我知道我的3个月真的真的比不上你心里被那针刺的洞。。。那我就用1年,2年,3年,4年来缝你心里的那个洞。。。所以我会更细心更细心的来缝你心里的那个洞!!! 我猜你看了应该会很生气吧!!! 哈哈哈哈哈!!!=p 你还欠我一件事!!!我记着先,等我想到才告诉你。。。
I am older by 1.. =p
make a wish, make a wish, make a wish
total 3 wishes
it happened just like this...
cut the cake after it happened
after wash up.. =p Thank you guysss
Meet up with Xiao Pig @ 620pm... =) Went to vivo city to have our dinne @ sakae sushi, I just hope she enjoy the dinner... after that went to sentosa beach... we have a great time there.... she so KE AI DE la while sleeping.... like xiao hai zi lor... =p sent her home at around 12.15am... Tomorrow she must be very tired while working... i will give her morning call to wake her up.... =p.. now the time is 240am.. is time to my sweet dreamzzzz
To: Xiao Pig, Thanks a million for sacrifing your lunch to get me, Presents and cake... Everything is in my heart... I like the card you give me, and not just the card, but the words inside the card... 今天是我度過最最最快樂而且最最最輕鬆的生日,美好时光总是短暂的,就好像烟花在夜空中美丽绽放, 和你在一起真的很开心,总觉的时间过的好快,很希望时间可以停留在那一刻,一切的美好将刻在我脑海里的记忆。。。
我还是很初心啦!!!没你说的那么细心啦!!! 我所做的一切,不要你感动,我只要你开开心心的!!! 我何常没想过如果你是我的女朋友就好了!!!现在是好好朋友就好了,你说对吧!!! 我只是希望有一天你可以看到,我不是那支针而是你身边的黑马/白马!!!我知道你已经把我放在你心里一个角落,不过我太贪心了啦!!!就像你说的我们只相识短短的3个月,却好像认识好久好久了,我知道我的3个月真的真的比不上你心里被那针刺的洞。。。那我就用1年,2年,3年,4年来缝你心里的那个洞。。。所以我会更细心更细心的来缝你心里的那个洞!!! 我猜你看了应该会很生气吧!!! 哈哈哈哈哈!!!=p 你还欠我一件事!!!我记着先,等我想到才告诉你。。。

"Sweet" cake from Xiao Pig.. =p