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Monday, March 16, 2009

alright man... finally IT SHOW is OVER!!! =p let's do a count down how many hours worked during this IT SHOW

Thu : 10:30am - 10:30pm Total hours : 12 hours
Fri : 10:30am - 09:30pm Total hours : 11 hours
Sat : 10:30am - 10:30pm Total hours : 12 hours
Sun : 10:00am - 11:00pm Total hours : 13 hours
TOTAL : 48 hours

Total sales for this 4 days should be around min 120 to a max of 170 sales
let's just take it as 150 on average...

at the average of 37 and 0.5 sales per day...

3 and 0.75 sales / one hour.... ( total hours includes break time )

Thank Shiqi coming down to visit me.. =p

During this IT SHOW, I saw a customer same birthday as me. still remember is 15 Dec 1977, and two customer fall on the same birthday 06-06(June) one my customer stirked a 32inch samsung LCD TV... congrts... =p ...........