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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

9 DEC 2008

Wake up 6am in the morning, as usual, suddenly appear in front of Xiao Pig... She seems not suprised that I'm there... haha... =p cooked her nice nice breakfast, accompany her to work place... this time she say the breakfast very nice, not super nice already... haha... I still think she like to eat the food i cook for her.... =p I am not praising myself, but the fact is. I 用心 to cook that is why it is nice... =p.... I hope to cook for her everyday, but time does not allow me to do so... =(

Reached school at 930am, reading newspaper while waiting for class to start.. school seems quite slack this few days... after school went to office, drive boss's car to do some installation, this time, i did not "HORLAN".... damn happy.... Went to Parsir Ris to meet up with my team, guys your did a great job today, KEEP IT UP!!!

Reached home around 1:30am in the morning... well, i am tired, but i am very happy... coz i know 'YOU' are there to support me, It might just be some words from you saying " You must take you lunch as well/ remember to eat your dinner or even just a smile face from you" ... Those words to me it is more than enough... thank you Xiao Pig... =p ( I will like to *ABISHED* you once again, coz you never eat your lunch) =p next time must eat proper meal horrrr... =p