Reached office @ 10am, no one was there. I check the road from Lavender to Ang Mo Kio... Coz my appointment from 11am-12pm, I am late for appointment again due to "HORLAN" once more... I drive but i just can't find place... went 2 rounds around seragoon ave 2 and lorong Chuan, finally found it... Finished my appointment at 1 something, head towards office to return the car.
Alvin and me took a cab to changi airport for our lunch with our team members, We arrived at changi airport is around 3:15pm... sorry people, we are late... We have our lunch @ Swensens, I think the food i ate, total for myself is around $40. So EXXXX...... coz i eat two sets of it... hahahahaha..... no choice, i did not had my breakfast... =p After lunch we had a movie @ Plaza Singapura, the movie so damn funny, i dunno what is the name of the show, anyway the movie really damn nice... Thank you alvin for paying all the expenses above...
After our movie, wei liang and me went to starbucks to have our coffee, thank you weiling, he bought me a cup of 'WHITE MOCHA" it was damn sweet, i only finish half of it... i guess the person who make this drink, is a new guy... coz is really really damn sweet, we chat from 10pm - 12am... I am very sorry, is my fault that you miss the last train... so i accompany him to the bus-stop to take NR7... I reached home around 2am... I am so tired and yet i still blogging... haha... I starts to love blogging... =p
some pictures was taken for the day.

I having my 2nd round =p

He loves to play PSP....
so sweet of him.. =p
Only10 person displayed,
4 person missing in action...
Starbucks coffee, "White Mocha"